Нижегородская радиолаборатория

Системная интеграция


We provide communications

For corporations / residential buildings

Constructing communications facilities or creating communication central that provides the telephony and broad band Internet

  1.  Via same cabel as for broad band Internet. NB! No cable yet - we set the same speed dual side connection via modern(Ka-band) satellite facilities.
  2.  Customizable interactive voice response(IVR) menu
  3.  Virtual automatic switching center(PBX-Private Branch Exchange)

  4. i. City Nizhny Novgorod numeration  +7 831 4128***, transferrable and enable to dial/receive calls with such No. everywhere on your personal smartphone's SIP-client via WiFi.
    ii.Costless extendability for PBX, extra facilities enabled
    iii.Carrier line
    iv.Videotelephony enabled
    v.Toll saved intercity and international calls

  5.  Broadband Internet (up to 100Mbit/s)- reliable and uninterruptable access via fiberoptic-in-door.Videocommunications enabled(Skype or etc)
  6.  Static IP-adressing and customizable internet security in accordance with user's/corporation's politics(rules).
  7.  VPN(virtual private network)- all user's geographically remote sites(everywhere) are connected

Russian version

Н. Новгород, ул. Б.Покровская, 60, тел.: +7-831-4128000

НРЛ-холдинг включает компании: НРЛ(Нижегородская радиолаборатория),Электросвязьавтоматика(ЭСА), Видеосервис, НРЛ-Синтез,

типография "Нижегородская радиолаборатория", Интернет-магазин "Виртуальная реальность".